August 19, 2010

Never-Ending List of Tutorials to Try

My creation

To say I am a
Jack of All Trades but a master of none isn't really an insult. I used to think it was... I wanted to be a master of something! Now that I have a collection of merit badges for different skills, interests, and hobbies, I've come to realize that I don't want to peg myself into just one area of expertise. I love that my bedroom is cluttered with a myriad of craft supplies, books, odds and ends - that's what keeps me sane! Nothing makes me happier than seeing a tutorial or project around the internet and saying, "Ohh! I can do that... Let me dig out my _____ and that box of ____ and get to work!" That being said, the realization has come that perhaps I have too long of a list of things I'd like to try. In an effort to narrow that list down, perhaps I should post it here and cross things off as I go along. Ready! GO!

Craft Projects


French Macarons - CHECK! Here are mine :)
Lemon Bars (more drool...)

Gift Ideas

Alright! So let's see how many of these I churn through between now and Christmas time... Wish me luck! Also, feel free to leave a comment if you've tried any of these tutorials before, I'd love any tips, tricks, or... Heck! Give me some more tutorials to add to the list!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog it's adorable and I can't wait to dig into some of your recipes!

    You might enjoy my new blog as well:

    I look forward to reading more from you!

